RC Pro-Am

That game has to be my favorite NES game from when I was a kid. I just played it on my PSP on the way to work and holy crap, it gets really really hard. It goes from totally possible to win because the computer makes mistakes to them running perfect races every time. Only chance you have really is to blow them up with some rockets or bombs so you have at least a little bit of a head start.

I was playing Mega Man 3 before that, but my buttons were extra loud and I didn’t want to annoy the people sitting next to me on the train with all my jumping and shooting.


18 Responses to “RC Pro-Am”

  1. Drew says:

    My Dad is Megaman

  2. jen says:

    You are a considerate commuter. There was this dude who was playing some very violent game on his PSP without earbuds so we all sat there uncomfortably as the PSP told him to repeatedly stab someone or shoot someone in the face. mergh.

    • justin says:

      That sounds like a really strange game. I bet that jerk wouldn't have done anything different even if it was some young kid next to him.

  3. Cass says:

    I can't even listen to my ipod loud in public places. i get paranoid.. i don't want people listening to my music. and i can't stand it when i can hear theirs.

  4. Andrew says:

    haha, I love megaman! my favorite game=megaman X

  5. Mr. Viking says:

    I play Bop-it on the bus. I don't care if I annoy other people.

  6. Vince says:

    R.C. Pro Am 4 LIFE!!!!

  7. Tyler says:

    I was playing blades of steel,dig-dug and dragon spirit on my psp on the bus and some creepy guy was watching really closely,it was odd, he smelt of vodka and cream cheese…

  8. Fail Funnies says:

    RC Pro Am was one of my favorite games waaaaaaaaaay back in the day. Totally cool.

  9. fhyaqp says:


  10. wow gold says:

    I play wow in 3 years and i know some wow gold,I love wow gold.